Our stuff finally arrived, after going AWOL for a solid month. Yep, all 7,000 lbs of it, sitting boxed up and stacked 4 high in our living room, kitchen, and bedroom. It arrived in an 18-wheeler, and took 3 dudes 4 hours to unload. If ever there were 18 wheels of pain, this would have been it. Happily, all our stuff does in fact fit into our new apartment (at least, by volume).
To make matters worse, the landlord and his plumber chose that same day to work on installing the dishwasher, and moving the drain pipe to make our washer/dryer sit better, so the kitchen looked like a bomb went off in it, and smelled alternately of burning metal, scorched wood, and solder.
We started unpacking today, and the bedroom is approaching completion. We have to wash the bed linens before we can actually sleep in that room... and probably buying some curtains would be nice too. There are three large windows in the bedroom, 1 facing east, 2 facing south, and all of them facing some combination of the street, and our neighbors. Oh well, at least we get fabulous light in that room. :)
We've successfully deployed 4 of 5 bookcases, but because they're all boxed in (haha, literally), we haven't been able to actually use them as crash space for unpacking. The 5th bookcase is leaning against the wall in its component parts, but at least it's in its final location.
The bicycles have found their ways to the porch. The motorcycles are locked up in the driveway, tucked well back from the street. Our car has 2 more days of out-of-state permit parking before we need to find some other place to stash it. We need to get it insured and registered, then we'll have more permanent resident parking.
Things appear to be moving right along. Hopefully we'll have a housewarming sometime before the end of the year. Last time we moved, it took about 4 months before the house was in good enough shape to throw a housewarming. Hopefully this time we'll be a bit faster about it.
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